To give you an example of the way I write, I have well over 70 pieces of poetry that are incomplete. I may write down just a couple words or go on for a few lines but never finish a poem in one sitting. The reason I do this is because I can come back to those lines and if I can recall that feeling, then it will be true therefore I can continue. Here are a few lines that are stuck in a sort of "purgatory" until I decide to go back:
Owls don't like it when you pry theier wings open.
Let them sleep and their eyes will see darkness under a glowing moon.
I want a desk to write, alone.
Sunflowers lining the walls.
Master of my imperfect universe.
It seems these days I wake up in a cold sweat
After an unpleasantly cold night.
But it's not the bitter breezes nor the absence of stars...
Too beautiful to notice dragonflies on your hand.
Give me a home with no lights
I barely need running water
Inadequate conditions
But at least I know my father.
It's not always necessary to look in cracks to find bits of mirrors.
I've also been writing short stories that I'll start to share soon.
iNteRestInG.... ♥
I like your short snippets of was very intriguing!
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