
A Bit Of Me.

Since my high school days, I've developed almost a whole new personality although retained the same characteristics.
I have become a lot lazier. In high school, my 6 periods required studying and homework. I expected college life to be much more hardcore but it's the opposite. I never took any notes this semester. In all my 11 units, I think I used less than 2 sheets of paper to remember things. exmple:
"No class next Weddy."
"Bring chips/cheese dip next Thurdy"
"Write 2 paragphs on Sacrifices"
"Deeeeee Daaaaan The Maaaannn"
I have the wonderful luxury of waking up at whichever time I please. A luxury I believe will be short lived. I haven't wasted this free time though. I make good use of my talents so I write poetry or short stories [that I never finish].

The freedom I have has allowed me to enjoy time a lot more. My days are spent the way I want to spend them. Being that I am about to turn 19 in a month, there are some 'semi-adult' responsibilities I am afflicted with. I need to break bread with Verizon, T-Mobile, Arco and WaMu Savings Account before I can buy a new Apple Notebook or G1. Disgusting, I know.

In order to reach the future, one must prepare for the future. The idea is to break through brick walls now so you can land on pillows later. Write that down. How can one succeed without having a 'plan of success'? Write that down.

I don't want to say I've developed a greater sense of maturity because I still watch Tom&Jerry, play Xbox and rev my engine at red lights but my priorities are straightened. I fix my car before I buy that new The Hundreds shirt. [In a Large.] Or those new Jordans. I'm just not into Jordans anymore.

One thing about me that won't change...I'll never stop dreaming. The most important dreams to remember are those that you once had when you were ten years old. Those are the dreams that are not influenced by reality. At age ten, we all thought we could land on the moon or be the worlds fastest man. We knew no limits. So it is on you to dream to the point where your mind can no longer produce the colors you're imagining, or where there aren't words to describe what you dream of. Write that down. 2009 is the year to dream big. Trust me, because so far-there is only ONE man in the world doing that.


P.S. I wanted to be Mike Tyson when I was younger.

1 comment:

ponyboy said...

I wna be huger than The Hundreds.Jordans suck now.I will eat your children Dedan.