
"Man On The Moon"

She said her heart was locked upon promise
And on this I became deeply fatigued
Looking for an intangible key
Not for entrance rather to expose and unfold
A Subtle broken mystery piece by piece.
Words and promises between my two lips
Couldn't bloom her heart like tulips
The bees who take long sips from her sweet nectar
Don't infect her, they spread her Seeds of disbelief
and the product is a bitter honey.
She said she no longer keeps her heart near and dear.
Her words lead me to believe it was buried beneath the
rocks within the Final Frontier
And I became the first man on the moon in search of Love.
A pioneer of a true womans natural essence.
This immaterial entity has demented me
For eternity.
Inspired By Elizabeth "Beans" .
Written 11-11-08

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